Free yourself from glasses and contacts with multifocal lens replacement in Antwerp

Discover how you can get visual freedom from glasses and contact lenses

Free yourself from glasses and contacts with multifocal lens replacement in Antwerp

Discover how you can get visual freedom from glasses and contact lenses

Discover the latest alternatives in vision correction

Explore the cutting-edge technology and procedures that can improve your vision and change your life

Embrace a life without limits

Our patients truly enjoy life once they change how they see the world

Achieve your dream vision

Do you feel like your glasses are always getting in the way and you feel like you can't do anything without them?

After lens replacement, reading is fun again, and you can finally do things without having to worry about your vision.

Suddenly, life is a lot more exciting when you can see everything clearly!

Get independence from glasses and contacts

Imagine being able to see clearly without glasses or contacts.

No more asking people to read things for you or struggling to see in dimly lit areas.

Lens replacement surgery can give you back your independence and make everyday activities easier than ever before.

Live your best life

With lens replacement surgery, you can finally enjoy all your favourite activities without worrying about your vision.

Whether it's reading, going out with friends, or just relaxing at home, you can have the freedom to do what you want without having to worry about your eyesight.

Say hello to the new you!

Embrace your new life after lens replacement surgery. There are no limits - this is your time to enjoy life just the way you want.

You'll look and feel younger and people will see you in a whole new light.

Discover the benefits of lens replacement surgery

Dr Goes Jr explains how patients feel after their refractive lens exchange

Achieve your dream vision

Do you feel like your glasses are always getting in the way and you feel like you can't do anything without them?

Na een lensingreep, wordt lezen opnieuw leuk, en kan u eindelijk opnieuw uw dagdagelijkse bezigheden doen zonder bril of

Suddenly, life is a lot more exciting when you can see everything clearly!

Get independence from glasses and contacts

Imagine being able to see clearly without glasses or contacts.

No more asking people to read things for you or struggling to see in dimly lit areas.

Lens replacement surgery can give you back your independence and make everyday activities easier than ever before.

Live your best life

With lens replacement surgery, you can finally enjoy all your favourite activities without worrying about your vision.

Whether it's reading, going out with friends, or just relaxing at home, you can have the freedom to do what you want without having to worry about your eyesight.

Say hello to the new you!

Embrace your new life after lens replacement surgery. There are no limits - this is your time to enjoy life just the way you want.

You'll look and feel younger and people will see you in a whole new light.

Read again without glasses in 3 easy steps

Lens replacement options can be confusing. We’ve made the journey as straightforward as can be


Not everyone is suitable for lens replacement surgery. The first step is to get a clear answer on whether there is a treatment option that can help you or not. You can take a self test, call us or use our online calendar to book a free assessment.

We’ll meet

At your assessment, we’ll answer your questions and give you a clear and honest recommendation based on your lifestyle. You’ll leave with a confident understanding of the best reading treatment option for your unique eyes.


After treatment, people across the country tell us how surprised they are by how quickly their life changed and how young they feel. Reading a restaurant menu, scanning their phone or seeing the dials on the car dashboard are all possible once more. Most people say that they wish they had done it years earlier!

Discover if you can be free from glasses and contact lenses

The best way to find out if laser eye treatment is right for you is to have a free assessment. We'll examine your eyes and get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and laser vision correction options

With multifocal lens replacement, patients can experience visual freedom from glasses and contact lenses

Quickly discover how this revolutionary eye treatment can change your life in moments
  • Bent u ouder dan 45 en verziend? Wil u goed kunnen zien ver én dichtbij? Dan zijn multifocale lenzen uw oplossing!Clear lens extractie, ook bekend als lensvervanging, is een effectieve manier om zichtproblemen aan te pakken. Maar wie komt ervoor in aanmerking? Idealiter zijn kandidaten ouderen die last hebben van presbyopie of cataracten, maar nog geen significante lensvertroebeling ervaren. Mensen met een hoge brilsterkte, zowel bijziendheid als verziendheid, kunnen ook baat hebben. Essentieel is een goede algemene ooggezondheid zonder ernstige oogaandoeningen. Deze procedure biedt een duurzame oplossing, met het potentieel om zowel de helderheid van het zicht te verbeteren als toekomstige cataracten te voorkomen.
  • A multifocal lens implant , also known as a trifocal lens implant, is an artificial lens that allows you to see both far and near without the need for glasses. Multifocal lens implants are therefore perfectly suitable for those over 45 who want to go without reading glasses.
  • Thanks to the lens in your eye, you can see clearly. It is elastic and constantly focuses itself. As soon as you turn 45, that elasticity and therefore your visual acuity decreases. To fix that, your eye doctor replaces your lens with lens implants. After that lens implantation, your visual acuity improves. Via unifocal lens implants far or near. Thanks to multifocal lens implants far and near.
  • You can see well far and near, you usually no longer need glasses. After the procedure, the vast majority of patients say goodbye to their regular contact lenses or glasses.
  • Side effects can occur with this procedure. In low light, you may not see optimally yet. You can then see circles (halos) or stars around light sources. However, these limitations are already present much less frequently than before and improve on their own after a while.
  • Side effects can occur with multifocal lens implantation. Sometimes you can't see clearly, especially in low light. Although most patients do not consider this a disadvantage. And maybe in the dark with your lens implants, you see circles – halos – around light sources, or you see stars around points of light (glare). These side effects are much less present than before and improve after a while after the procedure

Naturally, there are alternatives to a lens implant. Some patients can also be helped with laser eye surgery such as Smile for myopia and astigmatism, or Presbyond for patients who need reading glasses.

An ICL implant can also be considered. This is a reversible treatment for myopia and/or astigmatism.

The ideal option for your individual problem can only be obtained during a thorough exploratory investigation. Book a free assessment..

If a lens implant is the most suitable solution for you, you can often choose between a strong or trifocal multifocal lens, or a weak multifocal lens implant. You will also receive further explanation about this during the exploratory interview.

Een lensimplantatie is niets om bang voor te zijn. Na een pupilverwijdend druppeltje wordt u naar de operatiezaal begeleid waar u een kwartiertje lang stil zou moeten blijven liggen. Het te behandelen oog wordt ontsmet en steriel verpakt, het andere oog wordt afgedekt. Tijdens de ingreep wordt het oog verblind door onze operatiemicroscoop, u hoeft dus niet bang te zijn om details van de ingreep te zien. De ingreep is volledig pijnloos, u voelt hoogstens een lichte druk rondom het oog. Na 10-15 minuten is de procedure voor beide ogen voltooid en kun je de operatiekamer verlaten. De avond van de ingreep, of de ochtend nadien, begint u opnieuw te zien.

  • After multifocal lens implantation, most patients say goodbye to their regular lenses and glasses for good. Some occasionally still need glasses or contact lenses. In that case, additional laser treatment will probably solve this problem, too.

Do you want to get rid of your reading glasses once and for all?

If so, you have the choice to get clear vision without relying on glasses and contacts

Do your glasses make you feel old?

Do you feel self conscious when you're wearing your glasses? At Goes OogCentrum, we believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best. So if you are ready to look in the mirror and look as young as you feel,book a free assessment using our online agenda.

Are your glasses and contacts getting in the way?

We know how it feels to have glasses and contact lenses get in the way of what you most want out of life. These days, people in their 40s and 50s are living as actively as their kids. Find out how you can ditch your glasses and contacts for good at a free assessment.

Want to permanently get rid of your glasses.

Do you feel like you need different pairs of glasses for different activities? With lens replacement surgery, we can correct your vision at all distances so you can finally say goodbye to all your glasses. Book a free assessment to see if you're suitable.

What our patients say…

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After years of being chained to glasses and contacts, I finally took the leap and underwent laser surgery at Goes Oogcentrum. Thorough examination, experienced team, and great results. Highly recommend.

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Onverslaanbare oogzorg! Goes Oogcentrum – een ware gamechanger voor perfect zicht.

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Transformative experience at Goes Clinic. I had a painless trifocal lens implant that gave fantastic results! The entire staff, including Dr. Goes Jr., reassured me and were exceptional. Should've done it sooner! A must for all, big thank you to the team 🙌

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Transformative change from -11 to perfect vision without glasses or contacts. Dr. Goes and the practice truly exceeded expectations!

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Dr. Goes quickly resolved an issue with right eye after multifocal lens implant, resulting in perfect vision. Very satisfied with treatment, staff's friendliness & outcome! Thank you, Dr. Goes!

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Kreeg kristalhelder zicht dankzij Dr. Goes Jr. en het team’s multifocale oogimplantaten. Hun vriendelijke, professionele aanpak maakte het hele proces naadloos. Dr. Goes Jr is een toegewijde, gepassioneerde arts en ik kan niet dankbaarder zijn. Ik voel me alsof ik herboren ben in een helderdere wereld. Heel erg bedankt!

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Easily schedule appointment, extensive exam, smooth surgery, perfect vision next day. Highly recommend! Worth the investment.

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I highly recommend Goes Eye Center for multifocal lens implants. The team, led by Dr. Frank Goes, is professional, knowledgeable and friendly. My experience was smooth from start to finish and I'm thrilled with the results. Check out their website for all your questions on the treatment.

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Great experience at Goes Eye Center. Friendly and helpful staff, especially Dr. Anne Hoste who explained everything clearly. I highly recommend this place for anyone with eye problems.

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Highly recommend the surgery! Experience freedom from glasses and contact lenses after years. Green, Joyce.

Testimonial-Foto für Kataraktoperation mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I am very happy with my laser eye surgery! After years of glasses and contacts, I feel a great sense of freedom. I highly recommend it. Don't wait like I did!

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Say goodbye to glasses & contacts! Trust Antwerp's eye specialist for seamless, informed treatments. Their website is a great resource for any eye-related questions.

Testimonial-Foto für Linsenchirurgie mit dem Goes OogCentrum.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Smooth and successful eye surgery. Friendly staff, questions answered. Immediate results from the first moment post-op.


We have replaced the images of real patients who provided these testimonials to protect their privacy.

Could you see clearly without reading glasses even if you’re 50 plus?

Gain independence from glasses with lens replacement surgery. Take our 2 minute self test to see if you’re a suitable candidate:

Affiliations and memberships

We are proud to be or to have been a part of these professional bodies

Uw oogchirurg in Antwerpen, Dr. Frank Goes Jr

He’ll be your personal guide on your journey to visual freedom

With over 20 years of experience, I enjoy the privilege of helping patients of all ages reclaim clear vision or preserve it for as long as possible.

Good vision correction and high-precision cataract surgery depends on the expertise of the provider. The provider must also have access to precise tools. The best eye surgeons know how to make treatment safe, comfortable and positive for the patient. They know how to minimise the risk of complications and maximise successful outcomes.

I try to be one of those surgeons

Dr. Frank Goes Jr

Chief Executive & Eye Surgeon